Chengziwei, Tan Zhenhua (通讯). Multi-Label Learning for Label-Specific Features using Correlation Information with Missing Label. Expert Systems with Applications, Available online 14 January 2025, 126491. (中科院一区TOP, SCI Q1, IF: 7.5)[DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2025.126491]
Tao Zhang, Zhenhua Tan (通讯). Multi-Relational Geometric Regularization Framework for Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition in Conversation. the 50th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hyderabad, India, April 06 to April 11, 2025. (CCF Rank B)[Github:TAN-OpenLab/R4MMERC]
Geng Ning, Tan Zhenhua(通讯), Zhang Tao, Wu Danke. CEUS: Comment Emotion and User Stance Fusion Network for Fake News Detection. In: Wong, D.F., Wei, Z., Yang, M. (eds) Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. NLPCC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15362. Springer, Singapore, 2025. [DOI:10.1007/978-981-97-9440-9_29] (CCF C)
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Haoran Zhang, Taotao Jiang, Ning Geng. Domain and category-style clustering for general fake news detection via contrastive learning. Information Processing and Management, Vol.61, Issue 4, 2024, 103725, 18 pages. [DOI:10.1016/j.ipm.2024.103725] (SCI Q1, IF: 8.6, 中科院一区TOP)[Github:TAN-OpenLab/DCSC]
Jingyu Ning, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Kaibing Zhang, Weizhong Ye. Low Communication-Cost PSI Protocol for Unbalanced Two-party Private Sets, IET Information Security, 2024, Article ID 6052651, 12 pages. (SCI Q3,CCF C,IF: 1.4) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/Unbanlanced-PSI]
Zhang Tao, Zhenhua Tan (通讯). Survey of deep emotion recognition in dynamic data using facial, speech and textual cues, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024. [DOI:10.1007/s11042-023-17944-9] [PDF] (SCI Q2,IF: 3.6)
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Haoran Zhang, Taotao Jiang, Meilin Qi.LIMFA:Label-irrelevant multi-domain feature alignment based fake news detection for unseen domain, Neural Computing and Applications, 36, 5197–5215, 2024. [DOI:10.1007/s00521-023-09340-z] (SCI Q2, IF:6)[Github:TAN-OpenLab/LIMFA]
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Taotao Jiang. User Stance Aware Network for Rumor Detection Using Semantic Relation Inference and Temporal Graph Convolution. In: Luo, B., Cheng, L., Wu, ZG., Li, H., Li, C. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14449. Springer, Singapore.[DOI:10.1007/978-981-99-8067-3_40](Acceptance rate: 20.09%,CORE rank A, CCF rank C)[Github:TAN-OpenLab/USAT-RD]
Jingyu Ning, Zhenhua Tan (通讯). Geometry-based Garbled Circuits Relying Solely on One Evaluation Algorithm under Standard Assumption, the 19th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology(Inscrypt 2023), Hangzhou, China, 11-12 Nov. 2023. (Regular: 25%, 38/152, CCF C) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/Geom-GC]
Xihui Li, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Ziwei Cheng, Xiaoer Wu. Lipreading using Joint Preception Temporal Convolutional Network, the 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, and Networking (MSN 2023), Nanjing, China, 14-16 Dec. 2023. (CCF C)
谭振华,宁婧宇. 标准PRF假设下基于立体几何变换的轻量级混淆电路协议. 计算机学报, 2023, 46(10):2240-2257. [Abstract] [PDF]
Shuo Gao, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Jingyu Ning, Bingqian Hou, Li Li. ResGait: Gait Feature Refinement based on Residual Structure for Gait Recognition. The Visual Computer (2023). DOI:10.1007/s00371-023-02973-0 [SCI Q2,IF: 3.5]
Tan Zhenhua, Xia Zhenche, Wang Pengfei, Wu Danke & Li li. SCTF: an efficient neural network based on local spatial compression and full temporal fusion for video violence detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023. DOI:10.1007/s11042-023-16269-x [Github:TAN-OpenLab/SCTF-Net] [SCI Q2,IF: 3.6]
Tao Zhang, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Xiaoer Wu. HAAN-ERC: hierarchical adaptive attention network for multimodal emotion recognition in conversation. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS (2023). DOI:10.1007/s00521-023-08638-2 [SCI Q2,IF: 6][Github:TAN-OpenLab/HAAN-ERC]
Yuansong Zheng, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Danke Wu, Jingyu Ning. Find Indicative Users for Rumor Detection Using User Credibility and Stance, the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023) , Rome, Italy, 28 May 2023. (CORE Rank B, CCF Rank C, IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/USB-GAT]
Shehzad K, Zhenhua T, Shoukat S, Saeed A, Ahmad I, Sarwar Bhatti S, Chelloug SA. A Deep-Ensemble-Learning-Based Approach for Skin Cancer Diagnosis. Electronics. 2023; 12(6):1342. DOI:10.3390/electronics12061342 (SCI Q3, IF: 2.69)
Zhenhua Tan, Zhenche Xia, Pengfei Wang, Chang Ding, Weichao Zhai. FTCF: Full Temporal Cross Fusion Network for Violence Detection in Videos. Applied Intelligence, 53, 4128-4230, 2023. (DOI: 10.1007/s10489-022-03708-9 PDF) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/FTCF-NET] (SCI Q2, IF: 5.019)
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Zhenche Xia, Jingyu Ning. TCSE: Trend and cascade based spatiotemporal evolution network to predict online content popularity.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 1459-1475, 2023. [DOI:10.1007/s11042-022-12989-8] [PDF] [Github:TAN-OpenLab/TCSE-Net] [SCI Q2,IF: 2.757]
Tao Zhang, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Xiaoer Wu. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Emotion Recognition in Conversation, the 19th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2022) , Haikou, China, 15-18 December 2022. (CORE Rank B, CCF Rank C, 17.9%)
Yuran Ru, Ning Geng, Li Li, Hui Wang, Yongxiang Zheng, and Zhenhua Tan (通讯). Multi-Modal Depression Detection Based on High-Order Emotional Features. In Proceedings of the 2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC '22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 158–164. Doi: 10.1145/3582099.3582144 (本科大创团队学生所提出抑郁症检测模型)
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Haoran Zhao, Taotao Jiang, Meilin Qi. Cross-domain consistency supervised feature disentanglement framework for generalizable rumor detection, Information Processing and Management Conference 2022, ONLINE, 20-21 December 2022. (Oral)
Xinshu Li, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Zhenche Xia, Danke Wu, Bin Zhang. Single-Channel Speech Separation Focusing on Attention DE, the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2022.(DOI: 10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956273 PDF) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/AttentionDE] (CORE Rank B, CCF Rank C)
Wencheng Li, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Zhenche Xia, Danke Wu, Jingyu Ning. PF-Net: Personalized Filter for Speaker Recognition from Raw Waveform. the 15th International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MOBIMEDIA 2022), Hangzhou, July 21-23, 2022. [Github:TAN-OpenLab/PF-NET]
Zhenhua Tan, Jingyu Ning, Kai Peng, Zhenche Xia, Danke Wu. Logistic-ELM: A Novel Fault Diagnosis Method for Rolling Bearings. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44, Artical number: 553, 2022.(DOI: 10.1007/s40430-022-03837-9 PDF) (An initial pre-print version could be found in arXiv DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.11845) [Github:TAN-OpenLab/logistic-elm] (SCI Q2, IF: 2.361)
Zhenche Xia, Zhenhua Tan (通讯), Danke Wu, Jingyu Ning, Bin Zhang. A Generalized Model for Crowd Violence Detection Based on 3D-CNN Focusing on Human Contour and Dynamic Features. The 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing(CCGrid 2022) , Taormina (Messina), Italy, 16-19 May 2022. [DOI:10.1109/CCGrid54584.2022.00042] [PDF] (CORE Rank A, QUALIS Rank A1, CCF C)
Zhenhua Tan, Fan Li, Danke Wu. MRAInf: Multilayer Relation Attention based Social Influence Prediction Net with Local Stimulation. The 64th GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021.[doi:10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685148] (Flagship Conf. of IEEE ComSoc, CORE B, QUALIS A1, CCF C)
Shiyue Qin , Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Bin Zhang, Fucai Zhou.Distributed secret sharing scheme based on the high-dimensional rotation paraboloid. Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 58, May 2021, 102797.[doi:10.1016/j.jisa.2021.102797] (SCI Q1, IF:4.96)
Shiyue Qin , Zhenhua Tan, Fucai Zhou, Jian Xu, and Zongye Zhang.A Verifiable Steganography-Based Secret Image Sharing Scheme in 5G Networks. Security and Communication Networks,2021,Article ID 6629726.[doi:10.1155/2021/6629726] (SCI Q3, IF:1.968, CCF C)
徐晓梦, 谭振华(通讯),李欣书.基于小波包全频分解的耐噪声纹识别算法.深圳大学学报理工版,2020,37(S1):84-91.[doi:10.3724/SP.J.1249.2020.99084 PDF ][Github:TAN-OpenLab/NEUWay]
Shiyue Qin,Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Bin Zhang, Fucai Zhou. Evolutionary-Based Image Encryption with DNA Coding and Chaotic Systems. In: Wang G., Lin X., Hendler J., Song W., Xu Z., Liu G. (eds) Web Information Systems and Applications. WISA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12432. Springer, Cham. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-60029-7_53 PDF ]
Zhenhua TAN, Liangliang He, Danke Wu, Qiuyun Chang, Bin Zhang. Personalized Standard Deviations Improve the Baseline Estimation of Collaborative Filtering Recommendation, Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(14), 4756. 21 pages. (DOI:10.3390/app10144756 PDF )(Invited Paper, SCI Q2,IF:2.474)
Zhenche Xia, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Yuling Zhang, Shaocheng Zhang,Yi Ma. A Novel Information Diffusion Model Inspired by Particle-Collision Dynamics for Online Social Networks, 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom), Xiamen, Dec. 16-18, 2019. (CCF C类会议)
Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Liangliang He, Qiuyun Chang, Bin Zhang. SDP: An Improved Baseline Estimation Model based on Standard Deviation Proportion, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Shanghai, JULY, 2019. (DOI:10.1109/ICME.2019.00013 CCF B类会议, BEST PAPER HONORABLE METION AWARD)
Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Tianhan Gao, Ilsun You#, Vishal Sharma. AIM: Activation Increment Minimization Strategy for Preventing Bad Information Diffusion in OSNs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.94 (2019), pp.293–301. [DOI:10.1016/j.future.2018.11.038](SCI Q1,IF:6.125)
Yin, H.; Mao, K.; Zhao, J.; Chang, H.; E, D.; Tan, Z. Heated Metal Mark Attribute Recognition Based on Compressed CNNs Model. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 1955. Published: 13 May 2019. (SCI Q2, IF:2.217)
Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Guangming Yang, Bin Zhang. APMSID: Activated Probability for Multi-Source Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 64435-64449, 2018. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2877797, PDF](SCI Q1,IF:4.098)
Qiuyun Chang, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guangming Yang. Improve Predictive Accuracy by Identifying Collusions in P2P Recommender Systems. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_72)
Liangliang He, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guibing Guo, Qiuyun Chang, Danke Wu. LFSF: Latent Factor-Based Similarity Framework and Its Application for Collaborative Recommendation. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_68)
Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Tianhan Gao, and Nan Guo. Activation Increment Minimization Strategy to limit bad information diffusion based on SIR Model, Mobisec 2018, Dube.
Keming Mao, Duo Lu, Dazhi E, Zhenhua Tan. A Case Study on Attribute Recognition of Heated Metal Mark Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(6), Article No.1871, pp.1-19. [DOI:10.3390/s18061871](SCI Q2,IF:2.475)
Zhenhua TAN,Liangliang He. An Efficient Similarity Measure for User-based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Inspired by the Physical Resonance Principle, IEEE Access, 2017, Vol.5, Issue:1, 18pages, PP.27211-27228. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2778424, PDF](WOS:000418881100096, SCI Q1,IF:3.557)
谭振华,时迎成,石楠翔,杨广明,王兴伟. 基于引力学的在线社交网络空间谣言传播分析模型, 计算机研究与发展, 54(11):2586-2599,2017. [PDF]
TAN Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei, Guo Nan.MCTModel: A Multi-Clouds Trust Model Based on SLA in Cloud Computing, Journal of Computers of TaiWan (JOCTAIWAN),28(6):236-245,2017.[PDF] doi:10.3966/199115992017122806021.
Guo, Guibing, Qiu Huihuai, Tan Zhenhua ,Liu Yuan, Ma Jing, Wang Xingwei. Resolving data sparsity by multi-type auxiliary implicit feedback for recommender systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.138 (2017), pp. 202-207. [DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.10.005] (SCI Q1, IF: 4.396)
Zhenhua Tan,Jingyu Ning, Yuan Liu, Xingwei Wang, Guangming Yang, Wei Yang. ECRModel: an Elastic Collision-Based Rumor-Propagation Model in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, 2016, 4(1):6105 - 6120, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2612298 (SCI Q1, IF: 3.244, WOS:000386253600008). [PDF]
Zhenhua Tan,Yicong Niu, Yuan Liu, Guangming Yang. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA and Behavior Evaluation for Clouds, the 14th annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST),12-14 December, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. (QUALIS B2类会议).[PDF]
谭振华,杨广明,王兴伟,程维,宁婧宇. 面向云存储的多维球面门限秘密共享方案.软件学报,2016,27(11):2912-2928. [Abstract] [PDF]
Zhenhua Tan, Liangliang He, Hong Li, Xingwei Wang. Rating Personalization Improves Accuracy: a Proportion-based Baseline Estimate Model for Collaborative Recommendation. Proc. of CollaborateCOM 2016, Beijing, Nov.12. IN: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, Vol.201, pp.104-114, 2017. (CCF C类, Book Chapter PDF).
Tan Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei,Guo Nan. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA for Multiple Clouds, Proc. of MobiSec 2016, TaiWan.
Zhenhua Tan, Xingwei Wang, Xueyi Wang. A Novel Iterative and Dynamic Trust Computing Model for Large Scaled P2P Networks, Mobile Information Systems, 12 pages, 2016. (SCI Q2, IF:1.462, WOS:000371498600001)
Yang Guangming, Ning Jingyu, Tan Zhenhua(通讯). A New Dynamic Authentication Captcha Based on Negotiation Between Host and Mobile Terminal for Electronic Commerce. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), Nanchang, China, IEEE Press, pp.49 - 52. (EI)
Guangming Yang, Zhenhua Tan,Fanghua Geng, Tianhan Gao. A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based on Hill Matrix and Haar Domain Sequence, 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), Japan, 6-8 July 2016, IEEE Press. (DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2016.133).
王兴伟,李婕,谭振华,马连博,李福亮,黄敏. 面向“互联网+”的网络技术发展现状与未来趋势. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(4): 729-741. (EI)
Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng, Xingwei Wang. Distributed Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Personalized Spherical Coordinates Space, Computer Science and Information Systems, 10(3), pp.1269-1291, 2013. (SCI Q3(2013), IF:0.575,WOS000323238700017) [PDF]
Zhenhua Tan, Liangyu Zhang, Guangming Yang. BPTrust: A Novel Trust Inference Probabilistic Model based on Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer Networks, ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 18(10), pp.77-80, 2012. (SCI, WOS:000313297600019)
Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang*, Wei Cheng. Distributed Trust Inference Model Based on Probability and Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer systems, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 5(4), pp.1063 – 1080, 2012. (EI)
Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Xiangshuai Yan. Chaotic Immune PSO Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.689-695. 2012. (EI)
Guangming Yang, Shuang Li, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Xiangshuai Yan, Xiaojun Hou. A New Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Frequently Used Group. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.981-984, oct. 2012.
Guangming Yang, Liangyu Zhang, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Hainan Yu, Shuang Li. A New Method of Trust Inference Based on Markov Model for Peer-to-Peer Network. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.349-354, oct. 2012.
Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Shuang Li. Chaotic Taboo Fish Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.697-704, 2012. (EI)
Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng. A Hybrid Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 139, pp.99-105, 2012. (EI)
Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng, Guiran Chang. A distributed certification method for peer-to-peer system based on biological information, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 176, 409-414, 2011.
谭振华,王兴伟,程维,常桂然,朱志良. 基于多维历史向量的P2P分布式信任评价模型,计算机学报,33(9),1725-1735,2010. (EI, Cited: 21)
Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng. K-BRiR: An efficient and self-organized routing mechanism for structured peer-to-peer service networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 113, 61-74, 2010.
Jie Jia, Jian Chen, Guiran Chang, Zhenhua Tan. Energy efficient coverage control in wireless sensor networks based on multi-objective genetic algorithm, Computers & Mathematics with Applications,Volume 57, Issues 11–12, June 2009, Pages 1756–1766. (SCI Q1, WOS: 000266463200007, Cited: 113)
中国发明专利. 东北大学(谭振华,侯冰倩, 高硕, 李锂). 一种基于特征聚合的非标态人脸年龄估计方法,2024年5月14日(受理),202410597428.2.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(谭振华,高硕,侯冰倩,李锂). 基于面部水平切片细粒度卷积的未成年人年龄识别方法,2024年3月7日(受理),202410260731.3.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(谭振华,高硕,侯冰倩,宁婧宇). 一种基于水平金字塔匹配的细粒度人脸年龄估计方法,2023年3月15(受理),202310246960.5.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(谭振华,吴晓儿,宁婧宇,茹禹然). 基于语料关系的多领域唇语识别样本自动生成方法及系统,2023年3月24(受理),202310295664.4.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(武志超,谭振华). 基于图像特征多注意力学习的恶意代码检测装置及方法,2022年4月19(申请),2024年8月23日(授权),2022202210408579.X.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(丁畅,谭振华, 张斌,武志超). 一种基于骨骼模型的视频群体暴力行为识别方法,2021年10月27(申请),2024年4月26(授权),202111252149.5.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(谭振华, 王鹏飞,夏祯彻, 毛克明,张斌). 一种基于全时空卷积模块的暴力视频检测算法,2020年12月30(申请),2024年2月2(授权),202011619964.6.
中国发明专利. 东北大学(宁婧宇,谭振华). 基于振动孪生与极限学习的滚动轴承智能故障诊断方法,申请日:2021年4月22日,授权日:2022年6月3日,ZL 202110434424.9
中国发明专利. 东北大学(罗文浩,谭振华,刘春晓,孙治强,鲁钰娟,赵诗淇).一种基于简谐振动理论的在线社交网络用户行为预测方法。2021年2月7日(申请),2021年5月20日(公开),授权日:2022年6月17日,202110167680.6
中国发明专利. 谭振华, 通信设备及方法, 2013年4月24(授权日), 中国(发明专利),ZL. 200910080821.X.(已授权)
美国发明专利. Zhenhua Tan, COMMUNICATION DEVICES AND METHODS, 11/19/2013(授权日), 美国(发明专利),专利号:US8589684. (已授权-2013.11)
美国发明专利. Zhenhua Tan, NODE AUTHENTICATION, 11/10/2011(公开日), 美国(发明专利), 专利号:US8756658. (已授权-2014.6)
美国发明专利. Zhenhua Tan, PEER TO PEER SEARCH ROUTING ALGORITHM, 08/27/2013(授权日), 美国(发明专利),专利号:US8521714. (已授权-2013.8)
软件著作权(茹禹然,耿凝,李锂 谭振华, 张斌). 基于语音声纹与人物面部特征的多模态情绪分析软件V1.0, 2021年07月10日, 2021SR1478293, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(翟伟超, 夏祯彻, 谭振华, 张斌). 短视频暴力行为检测软件, 2021年10月9日, 2021SR1478295, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(丁畅, 武志超, 谭振华, 张斌). 多视角人物暴力行为视频样本采集软件V1.0, 2021年10月9日, 2021SR1478294, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(武建廷,郑源崧,谭振华,张斌).实时说话人声纹认证与语音识别软件, 2021年10月9日, 2021SR1478296, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(刘春晓,谭振华,鲁钰娟).基于多维路网属性的智能交通故障疏导软件V1.0, 2021年3月12日, 2021SR0475672, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(徐晓梦,谭振华,王鹏飞)基于WPTGTG的说话人识别软件V1.0, 2019年12月27日, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2019SR1445974。
软件著作权(王鹏飞,谭振华,徐晓梦). 基于ELM的快速手写识别软件[简称:NeuHWR],2019年10月10日,2019SR1445968,原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(鲁钰娟,谭振华,刘春晓).一种面向复杂社交网络信息传播的节点溯源分析软件V1.0, 2021年3月11日, 2021SR0477154, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(孙治强,谭振华,罗文皓).在线社交网络控制谣言传播的关键节点预测软件V1.0, 2020年11月11日, 2021SR0233979, 原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(赵诗淇,谭振华,罗文浩). 一种竞争博弈的在线社交谣言传播分析软件V1.0,2021年03月17日,2021SR0492544,原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权(李帆,谭振华,王鹏飞). 基于图卷积神经网络的社交影响力高效预测算法软件[简称:基于GCN的社交影响力高效预测软件],2020年10月19日,2021SR0059987,原始取得,全部权利
软件著作权.音频文件自定义滤波软件V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 2016SR230841,原始取得, 全部权利.
软件著作权.MDHT密钥分发软件[简称:MDHT]V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 2016SR230668,原始取得, 全部权利
软件著作权.基于综合影响力的新浪微博谣言传播分析软件V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 2016SR230683, 原始取得, 全部权利
软件著作权.社交网络信息激活用户数趋势预测软件(V1.0), 2019年5月13日,2019SR0829122,原始取得,全部权利
DB21/T 3867-2023, 《工业数据分类分级管理指南》, 2023-12-30实施,辽宁省地方标准.[标准下载] (邵华、徐方、谭振华、成立权、管冰、周翰逊、郎志海、王洪川、杨成实、赵云志、郝玉明、刘健)
DB21/T 3892-2023, 《工业数据流通 合规性检查规范》, 2024-1-30实施, 辽宁省地方标准.[标准下载] (邵华、申翔宇、李凯、黄书鹏、王宇飞、宋宪辉、谭振华、王义刚、杨成实、张翔宇、魏国伟、周艳芳、齐志峰、欧梓涵、孙昕、刘洋)
DB21/T 3893-2023, 《工业数据流通 数据清洗规范》, 2024-1-30实施, 辽宁省地方标准.[标准下载] (邵华、李凯、黄书鹏、王宇飞、宋宪辉、王义刚、申翔宇、谭振华、杨成实、张翔宇、魏国伟、刘洋)
DB21/T 3894-2023, 《工业数据流通 数据交易实施规范》, 2024-1-30实施, 辽宁省地方标准.[标准下载] (邵华、申翔宇、李凯、黄书鹏、王宇飞、宋宪辉、谭振华、王义刚、杨成实、张翔宇、魏国伟、刘洋)
DB21/T 3895-2023, 《工业数据流通 通用安全要求》, 2024-1-30实施, 辽宁省地方标准.[标准下载] (邵华、申翔宇、李凯、黄书鹏、王宇飞、宋宪辉、谭振华、王义刚、杨成实、张翔宇、魏国伟、刘洋)