- 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 职务:副院长,党委委员
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:信息学馆513室(南湖校区)
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:13889195280(微信同步)
- 学位:博士
- 在职信息:在职
- 主要任职:辽宁省光纤传感与先进检测技术重点实验室副主任
- 其他任职:智能光电检测与深度学习研究所所长
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 所属院系:信息科学与工程学院
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- 一、光纤传感器方向.
- 1. Qi Wang*, Xiang-Yu Yin, et al. Research Progress of Resonance Optical Fiber Sensors Modified by Low-Dimensional Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 17(5): 2200859.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Wen-Qing Wei, et al. Optimization of cascaded fiber tapered Mach-Zehnder interferometer and refractive index sensing technology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 222: 159-165.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Xin Feng, et al. Fiber ring resonator based slow-light and high sensitivity gas sensing technology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 214: 197-203.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Ling-Xin Kong, et al. High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on splicing points tapered SMF-PCF-SMF structure Mach-Zehnder mode interferometer, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 225: 213-220.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Jing-Ren Tang, et al. High Resolution and Speed Demodulation for Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Magnetic Field Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73, 9500809.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Meng-Juan Guo, et al. A sensitivity enhanced microdisplacement sensing method improved using slow light in fiber Bragg grating, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2016, 66(1): 122-130.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Xu Liu, et al. A novel long-tail fiber current sensor based on fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy and Fabry-Perot cavity filled with magnetic fluid, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2015, 64(7): 2005-2011.
- 8. Qi Wang*, Bo-Tao Wang, et al. Comparative Analyses of Bi-Tapered Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(9): 2483-2489.
- 9. Chao Du, Qi Wang*, et al. Research and application of ice thickness and snow depth automatic monitoring system, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(2): 325-331.
- 10. Qi Wang*, Xin Feng, et al. Research on fiber loop coupled resonator slow light and displacement sensing technology. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2015, 233: 472-479.
- 11. Qi Wang*, Xiang Li, et al. Lossy mode resonance-based fiber optic sensor using layer-by-layer SnO2 thin film and SnO2 nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 492: 374-381.
- 12. Qi Wang*, Wan-Ming Zhao. A comprehensive review of lossy mode resonance-based fiber optic sensors, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 100: 47-60.
- 13. Qi Wang*, Ji Xia, et al. A Novel Current Sensor Based on Magnetic Fluid and Fiber Loop Cavity Ring-Down Technology. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2015, 15(11): 6192-6198.
- 14. Qi Wang*, Lei Zhang, et al. Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Down-Hole Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2008, 8(11-12): 1879-1883.
- 15. 王琦, 于清旭, 超宽带可调谐环形腔掺铒光纤激光器研究, 光电子-激光, 2006(17): 151-153.
- 二、计算成像方向.
- 1. Qi Wang*, Yun-Long Sun, et al. Optical Gas Imaging for Accurate Leakage Source Measurement Based on Optical Flow Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2024.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Jia-Shuai Mi, et al. Ghost Imaging by Single Layer Neural Network Based on Forward Physical Model, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.
- 3. Hao-Ran Shi, Qi Wang*, et al. High-performance Fourier Iteration Ghost Imaging under Low Sampling Rate, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Yun-Long Sun, et al. YOLOGAS: An Intelligent Gas Leakage Source Detection Method based on Optical Gas Imaging, lEEE Sensors Journal, 2024.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Ming-Wei Xing, et al. Optical gas imaging for leak detection based on improved deeplabv3+ model, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 175, 108058.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Zong-Qi Bai, et al. Strongly robust computational ghost imaging based on nearest neighbor filtering, Optics Communications, 2024.
- 7. 王琦*,潘夏童,邢明玮,孙云龙,赵勇. 被动式红外成像气体目标智能检测算法及量化研究进展(特邀综述),控制与决策(东北大学100年校庆特刊),2023.
- 8. 王琦*, 米佳帅. 基于深度学习的单像素成像研究进展(特邀综述), 激光与光电子学进展, 2024, 61(10): 03.
- 9. 王琦*,潘夏童,张磊. 基于模糊理论的气体红外图像边缘检测算法[C],中国自动化学会. 2021中国自动化大会(CAC2021).
- 10. 王琦*,张裕,走近“鬼成像”技术,控策We科普,2021.
- 三、纳米光子学方向.
- 1. Wan-Ming Zhao, Qi Wang*. Analytical Solutions to Fundamental Questions for Lossy Mode Resonance, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 17(1), 2200554.
- 2. Lei Wang, Qi Wang*, et al. Plasmonic crescent nanoarray-based surface lattice resonance sensor with a high figure of merit, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 6144-6151.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Lei Wang. Lab-on-Fiber: Plasmonic Nano-arrays for Sensing, Nanoscale, 2020, 12(14): 7485-7499.
- 4. Xiang-Yu Yin, Ning Yang, Qi Wang*, et al. High FOM Refractive Index Sensor Based on Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum of Tri-Prism Metasurface, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(7): 7683-7689.
- 5. Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, et al. Metasurface With WS2 Based on Quasi-Bound States in the Continuums for Refractive Index Sensing. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(20): 25316-25322.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Ju-Xin Jiang, et al. An asymmetric grating refractive index sensor generating quasi-bound states in the continuum with high figure of merit and temperature self-compensation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55(15), 155103.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Shu-Shuai Zhang, et al. Plasmonic gold disk nanoarrays-based surface lattice resonance sensor with high figure of merit and its near-field and far-field coupling characteristics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56, 435104.
- 8. Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, et al. All-dielectric metasurface refractive index sensor with high figure of merit based on quasi-bound states in the continuum. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 65, 485103.
- 9. Lei wang, Nuerguli Kari, Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, Rotational evolution characteristic and high figure of merit sensing of plasmonic nano-crescent array, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 3416131.
- 四、生物传感器方向.
- 1. Ben Li and Qi Wang*. Surface electric field enhanced biosensor based on symmetrical U-tapered HCF structure for gastric carcinoma biomarker trace detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Bo-Tao Wang, Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on graphene oxide/silver coated polymer cladding silica fiber, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 275: 332-338.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Wan-Ming Zhao. Optical Methods of Antibiotic Residues Detections: A Comprehensive Review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 269: 238-256.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Zi-Han Ren, et al. Advances in surface plasmon resonance biosensing research, Nanoscale, 2022, 14: 564-591.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Xue-Wei Cong, et al. High Figure of Merit SPR Sensor Based on Raspberry-Like Silica, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, 7005808.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Xue-Wei Cong, et al. Low Dimensional Nanostructure-Assisted Long-Range Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors with High Figure of Merit, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2023, 22(1): 45-51.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Na-Na Du, et al. Highly Sensitive U-Shaped Optical Fiber Refractometer Based on Bi2O2Se-Assisted Surface Plasmon Resonance, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 71, 7002108.
- 8. Qi Wang*, Hang Song, et al. A Label-Free and Anti-Interference Dual-Channel SPR Fiber Optic Sensor with Self-Compensation for Biomarker Detection, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 7002007.
- 9. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. A D-shaped fiber long-range surface plasmon resonance sensor with high Q-factor and temperature self-compensation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(5): 2218-2224.
- 10. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. Highly sensitive SPR biosensor based on graphene oxide and staphylococcal protein A co-modified TFBG for human IgG detection, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(9): 3350-3357.
- 11. Hua-Long Du, Nuerguli Kari, Ben Li, Qi Wang*. The fiber Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on TiO2 /Au-NPs sensitization, Optics and Lasers Technology, 2024.
- 12. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. A Novel Fiber-Based Symmetrical Long-Range Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor with High Quality Factor and Temperature Self-Reference, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2019, 18(1): 1137-1143.
- 13. Qi Wang*, Ai-Song Zhu, et al. High Sensitivity Coreless Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Au Nano Biconical Particles, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(1): 256-263.
- 14. Qi Wang*, Xin Jiang, et al. Enhanced sensitivity of bimetallic optical fiber SPR sensor based on MoS2 nanosheets, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 128, 105997.
- 15. Bo-Tao Wang, Qi Wang*, Sensitivity-Enhanced Optical Fiber Biosensor Based on Coupling Effect Between SPR and LSPR, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(20): 8303-8310.
- 16. Hang Song, Qi Wang*, et al. A novel SPR sensor sensitivity-enhancing method for immunoassay by inserting MoS2 nanosheets between metal film and fiber, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 132, 106135.
- 17. Jian-Ying Jing, Qi Wang*, et al. Long-range surface plasmon resonance and its sensing applications: A review. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 112:103-118.
- 18. Qi Wang*, Yu-Yang Wang, et al. A Sensitivity Enhancement Method of Optical Fiber SPR Sensor Based on CeF3, , IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(3):2689-2696.
- 19. Yi-Zhuo Qian and Qi Wang*. A u-shaped long-range surface plasmon resonance (lrspr) biosensor with low detection limit, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24, 23818–23825.
- 一种电控调谐型长周期光子晶体光纤光栅温度传感器,赵勇 ,王琦,杜超(S),2020
- 一种电控调谐型长周期光子晶体光纤光栅温度传感器,赵勇 ,王琦,杜超(S),2018
- 一种新型长程表面等离子共振光纤传感器,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2020
- 一种用于测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),左典(S),李晨曦(S),2020
- 一种用于激发光纤表面等离子共振现象的湿法镀银膜装置,王琦 ,范晓晨(S),2020
- 一种基于模间干涉的错位干涉传感器,王琦 ,贾乃征(S),何东昌(S),伍卓慧(S),刘欣悦(S),汪友胜(S),2020
- 一种光纤SPR生物传感器及其制备方法,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2020
- 一种基于红外多光谱成像的危险气体实时检测装置,王琦 ,吕涛(S),陈星宇(S),张超越(S),汪友胜(S),2020
- 一种光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2020
- 一种新型硝酸盐检测传感器探头,王琦 ,黄俊文(S),李国存(S),马蓬勃(S),于泽(S),2019
- 一种新型微纳高双折射Sagnac光纤生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
- 一种新型D型微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),齐康如(S),2019
- 一种LMR微结构光纤,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2019
- 一种高灵敏度光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
- 基于氧化石墨烯和金纳米棒增敏的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
- 一种双通道光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
- 一种新型D型微结构光纤传感器及其制备方法,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋行(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪颖(S),2019
- 一种多参数测量的光纤LMR传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),梁建(S),李晨曦(S),左典(S),陈长聪(S),2019
- 一种基于多层金纳米棒的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,贾乃征(S),刘欣悦(S),汪友胜(S),2019
- 一种基于电场耦合的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2019
- 一种基于损失模式共振的微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
- 一种同时测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
- 一种基于电场耦合的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),于泽(S),戴哲鑫(S),2019
- 一种耦合增强的D型光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,牛立业(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),2019
- 一种基于钛酸钡的薄膜光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,牛立业(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),2019
- 一种基于损失模式共振的微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),赵万明(S),宋志伟(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),2019
- 一种同时测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋行(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),汪颖(S),2019
- 一种多参数测量的光纤LMR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),宋行(S),汪颖(S),2019
- 一种基于多层金纳米棒的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),王波涛(S),戴哲鑫(S),2019
- 一种用于测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),左典(S),李晨曦(S),2019
- 一种基于银三角板的U型光纤LSPR传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2019
- 一种LRSPR高灵敏度光纤传感器,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2019
- 一种用于激发光纤表面等离子共振现象的湿法镀银膜装置,王琦 ,范晓晨(S),2019
- 一种新型硝酸盐检测传感器探头及其制备方法,王琦 ,李国存(S),黄俊文(S),马蓬勃(S),于泽(S),王雪州(S),2019
- 新型微纳高双折射Sagnac光纤生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),李国存(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),汪颖(S),2019
- 一种超高灵敏度的长周期光子晶体光纤光栅折射率传感器,王琦 ,杜超(S),赵勇,2019
- 一种对称式长程表面等离激元共振传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),赵勇,王雪州(S),2019
- 基于氧化石墨烯和金纳米棒增敏的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王波涛(S),王雪州(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
- 一种高灵敏度光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
- 一种双通道光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
- 一种基于无芯光纤的长程表面等离激元共振传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),李思远(S),朱琦(S),2018
- 一种LMR微结构光纤,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2018
- 2024年8月,机械工业出版社,主编《机器人感知智能》,十四五”时期国家重点出版物,2024
- 2022年12月,Jenny Stanford Publishing,《Plasmonics based Optical Sensors and Detectors》,2021
- 2022年6月,辽宁大学出版社,参编《大学数学知识典型应用实例》,2021
- 2021年12月,东北大学出版社,副主编《课程思政建设思政元素选编》,2024
- 2021年6月,Elsevier出版社,参编《Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry》,2021
- 2014年6月,机械工业出版社,编著《光电检测技术》机械工业出版社,2021
- 2012年7月,机械工业出版社,编著《传感器敏感材料及器件》机械工业出版社,2021