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   近年来,以第一作者或通信作者在相关方向的国内外权威刊物发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI检索50余篇,2019年被IOP(The Institute of Physics)授予“高被引作者奖”

[1] Optimal Results and Numerical Simulations for Flow Shop Scheduling Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 6(3), 2012.

[2] Design of Finite-time Synchronization Controller and its Application to Security Communication System. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(1): 387-391, 2014. SCI-1区

[3] 基于Min-Max方法的混沌系统采样同步控制研究. 物理学报, 62(17): 170510-1-8, 2013.

[4] Integral Sliding Mode Controller Design for Congestion Problem in ATM Networks. International Journal of Control, 86 (3): 529-539, 2013.

[5] A New Pipe Routing Method for Aero-engines Based on Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 228(3): 424-434, 2014. SCI-2区

[6] Asymptotic Analysis of SPTA-based Algorithms for No-wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. The Scientific World Journal, 2014. SCI-1区

[7] A Local Search Algorithm for the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015.

[8] The Guitar Chord-Generating Algorithm Based on Complex Network. Physica A, 443: 1-13, 2016. SCI-1区

[9] The Consensus of Nonlinear Multi-agent System with Switching Topologies and Communication Failure. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 30(2): 1199-1206, 2016.

[10] Analysis of Robustness of Urban Bus Network. Chinese Physics B, 25 (2) :1-12, 2016.

[11] Permutation flow-shop scheduling problem to optimize a quadratic objective function. Engineering Optimization, 49(9): 1589-1603, 2017. SCI-2区

[12] The relationship between synchronization and percolation for regular networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 492(15): 375-381, 2018. SCI-2区

[13] Prediction of Damage Results of Complex Network under Grey Information Attack. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 35(3): 3147-3162, 2019.

[14] Earthquake prediction based on community division. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 506(15): 969-974, 2018. SCI-2区

[15] Blocking Flowshop Scheduling Model for Optimising Cubic Criterion with Release Dates. IEEE Access, 6 (11): 72179– 72188, 2018. SCI-2区

[16] 基于Bagging集成学习算法的地震事件性质识别分类, 地球物理学报; 62(1), 2019.

[17] Identifying influential spreaders by gravity model. Scientific Reports, (9): 8387, 2019. SCI-1区

[18] Composite DOBC with fuzzy fault-tolerant control for stochastic systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(18): 6605-6615, 2019. SCI-1区

[19] Multi-Type Node Detection in Network Communities. Entropy, 21(12): 1237(1-16), 2019. SCI-2区

[20] Synchronization for Multi-network with Two Types of Inter-network Coupling Faults: Pinning Control Effects. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020. SCI-1区

[21] Identifying vital nodes based on reverse greedy method. Scientific Reports, 2020. SCI-1区

[22] Identifying influential spreaders based on adaptive weighted link model. IEEE Access, 2020. SCI-2区

[23] Classification of Tectonic and Nontectonic Earthquakes by an Integrated Learning Algorithm. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177(455–467), 2020.

[24] Classification of tectonic and non-tectonic seismicity based on convolutional neural network. Geophysical Journal International, 224: 191-1984, 2020.

[25] Sub - graph degree based bridge centrality algorithm, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021.

[26] Entropy and structural-hole based novel node ranking methods, Journal of Internet Technology, 2021. SCI-1区

[27] Optimal Research and Numerical Simulation for Scheduling No-Wait Flow Shop in Steel Production. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1-5, 2013. SCI-2区

[28] Deep Learning Framework for Preoperative Recognition of Inverted Papilloma and Nasal Polyp. IEEE Access, 2021. SCI-2区

[29] Robust Controller Design for ATM Network with Time-varying Multiple Time-delays. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 5(8): 2341-2349, 2009. SCI-1区

[30] Pinning Synchronization Control for Multi-layer Complex Networks via Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2021. SCI:1区

[31] Exact and Metaheuristic Algorithms for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems with Release Dates, Engineering Optimization, 2021, SCI: 2区

[32] Minimizing The Sum Of Makespan On Multi-Agent Single-Machine Scheduling With Release Dates, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2021, SCI: 1区

[33] Relational Reasoning for Real-time Object Searching. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30 (6), 063025, 2021.

[34] Identifying Influential Edges by Node Influence Distribution and Dissimilarity Strategy. Mathematics. 2021; 9(20):2531. SCI: 1区

[35] Pinning Synchronization Control for Stochastic Multi-layer Networks with Coupling Disturbance[J]. ISA Transactions, 2021. SCI: 1区

[36] Community Detection Based on Node Influence and Similarity of Nodes. Mathematics. 2022, 10(6):970. SCI: 1

[37] LNGM: A link prediction algorithm based on local neighbor gravity model. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2022, 33(10). SCI: 2

[38] Multi-context unsupervised domain adaption for HEp-2 cell classification using maximum partial classifier discrepancy. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2022, 78(12): 14362-14380. SCI: 2

[39] Minimizing the Late Work of the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with a Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Approach. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(5): 2366. SCI: 2

[40] EDCOSUM: Text extractive summarization framework based on edge information with coreference resolution. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2022, 43(1): 463-475. SCI: 4

[41] What We Achieve on Text Extractive Summarization Based on Graph? Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2022, 43(6): 7057-7065. SCI: 4

[42] BTRPP: A Rapid PGA Prediction Model Based on Machine Learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, 61:5907813. SCI: 1

[43] Seismic severity estimation using convolutional neural network for earthquake early warning. Geophysical Journal International. 2023. SCI: 2

[44] Neural Network Light Weighting Approach Using Multi-Metric Evaluation of Convolution Kernels. IEEE Acces. 2023,8: 89067-89076. SCI: 2

[45] Identifying vital nodes in complex network by considering multiplex influences. Advances in Complex Systems. 2023. SCI: 4