Personal profile
任飞亮,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为知识图谱构建、智能问答、大模型等。"东北大学知识图谱研究组"负责人,本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,硕士、博士毕业于东北大学 。2014年8月至2015年8月剑桥大学访问学者。 以第一作者发表数十篇高水平学术论文,并主持多项国家级、省部级科研项目。于2015年9月创立了“...
1.任飞亮,刘永康,李博超,刘石磊,王秉超,王嘉岐,刘春超,马琦。An Understanding-Oriented Robust Machine Reading Comprehension Model. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, June 2023, pp1-22.
1.任飞亮*,张龙辉*(共同一作),赵晓峰,尹淑娟,刘石磊,李博超。A Simple but Effective Bidirectional Framework for Relational Triple Extraction. WSDM2022 (清华大学计算机推荐A类会议, CCF B), pp824–832.
2.任飞亮,刘永康,李博超,王祉博,郭宇,刘石磊,吴慧敏,王嘉岐,刘春超,王秉超。Deep Understanding based Multi-Document Machine Reading Comprehension. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Step 2022, 21(5), pp 1-21.
1.任飞亮*,张龙辉*(共同一作),尹淑娟,赵晓峰,刘石磊,李博超,刘亚铎。A Novel Global Feature-Oriented Relational Triple Extraction Model based on Table Filling, EMNLP2021 (清华大学计算机推荐A类会议, CCF B), pp 2646–2656.
2.刘石磊,赵晓峰,李博超,任飞亮(通迅作者),张龙辉,尹淑娟。A Three-Stage Learning Framework for Low-Resource Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation, EMNLP2021 (清华大学计算机推荐A类会议, CCF B), pp 2262–2272.
3.任飞亮*,张龙辉*(共同一作),尹淑娟,赵晓峰,刘石磊,李博超。A Conditional Cascade Model for Relational Triple Extraction. CIKM2021 (Short), pp 3393–3397.
4.刘石磊,赵晓峰,李博超,任飞亮(通迅作者)。Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue with Reward-Driven Knowledge Selection. NLPCC2021.
5.刘亚铎*,张龙辉*(共同一作),尹淑娟,赵晓峰,任飞亮(通迅作者)。An Effective System for Multi-format Information Extraction. NLPCC2021 (Evaluation Track).
6.张龙辉,尹淑娟,苏剑林,明瑞成,白宇佳,任飞亮(通讯作者)。BSLRel:基于二元序列标注的级联关系三元组抽取模型, 中文信息学报,2021: 35(06), pp74-84.
1.任飞亮,李居宸,张惠惠,刘石磊,李博超,明瑞成,白宇佳。Knowledge Graph Embedding with Atrous Convolution and Residual Learning, COLING2020 (CCF B).
2.任飞亮,李居宸,张惠惠,杨晓春。TransP: A New Knowledge Graph Embedding Model by Translating on Positions, ICKG2020.
3.张惠惠,任飞亮(通讯作者)。BERTatDE at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Extracting term-definition pairs in free text using pre-trained model, SemEval-2020.
4.刘石磊,郭宇,李博超,任飞亮(通讯作者)。LMVE at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation using Pretraining Language Model,SemEval-2020.
1.任飞亮,沈继坤,孙宾宾,朱靖波。 从文本中构建领域本体技术综述, 计算机学报 (CCF 中文期刊 A), 2019: 42(03), pp654-676.
1.任飞亮,周迪,刘止惠,李永成,赵荣生,刘永康,梁小波。 Neural Relation Classification with Text Descriptions. COLING2018 (CCF B), pp:1167-1177.
2.任飞亮,李永成,赵荣生,周迪,刘止惠。 BiTCNN: A Bi-Channel Tree Convolution based Neural Network Model for Relation Classification. NLPCC2018.
3.梁小波,任飞亮(通讯作者),刘永康,潘凌峰,侯依宁,张熠,李妍。 N-Reader:基于双层self-attention的机器阅读理解模型. 中文信息学报,2018, 32(10): 130-137。
4.潘凌峰*,张熠*,任飞亮*(共同第一作者,通讯作者),侯依宁,李妍,梁小波,刘永康。 A Multiple Utterances based Neural Network Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling. Proceedings of the Evaluation Tasks at the China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2018), 25-33。
5.刘永康*,梁小波*,任飞亮*(共同第一作者,通讯作者),李妍,侯依宁,张熠,潘凌峰。 An Enhanced ESIM Model for Sentence Pair Matching with Self-Attention. Proceedings of the Evaluation Tasks at the China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2018), 52-62。
6.任飞亮,侯依宁*,李妍*,潘凌峰*,张熠*,梁小波*,刘永康*,郭宇*,赵荣生*,明瑞成*,吴慧敏*(共同第二作者)。TechKG: A Large-Scale Chinese Technology-Oriented Knowledge Graph. arXiv, 2018-12-17。
1.任飞亮,赵荣生,扈啸,李永成,周迪,王存翔。 Embedding Tree Structure into CNN Architecture for Relation Classification. CCKS2017.
2.吴谨行,扈啸,赵荣生,任飞亮(通讯作者),胡明涵。 Clinical Named Entity Recognition via Bi-directional LSTM-CRF Model. CCKS2017(shared tasks).
1. Feiliang Ren. Learning Time-sensitive Domain Ontology from Scientific Papers with a Hybrid Learning Method, Journal of Information Science, (SCI indexed, 三区, 影响因子=1.238(2013)), 2014, 40(3): 329-345.
2. Feiliang Ren. An unsupervised cascade learning scheme for “cluster-theme keywords” structure extraction from scientific papers, Journal of Information Science , (SCI indexed, 三区, 影响因子=1.238(2013)), 2014, 40(2):167-179.
1. Feiliang Ren. A Practical Chinese-English Organization Name Translation Method Based on Web Assistant. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 10(7), pp 2141-2150, 2013/5/6 , EI indexed.
2. Feiliang Ren. A frequency based mining method of complex concept relations for domain ontology. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 10(9), pp 2509-2517, 2013/6/5, EI indexed.
1. Feiliang Ren. A Cheap Domain Ontology Construction Method based on Graph Generation and Conversion Method(EI indexed). Journal of Information and Computational Science. To be published in December 2012.
2. Feiliang Ren. A Practical Chinese-English ON Translation Method Based on ON’s Distribution Characteristics on the Web. COLING2012.
3. Feiliang Ren. A Demo for Constructing Domain Ontology from Academic Papers. COLING2012.
1. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu. Translating Chinese-English Organization Names With Mix-language Web Pages (SCI indexed). Internationl Journal of INFORMATION. 14(8), pp2785-2800.
1. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. A Novel Chinese-English ON Translation Method Using Mix-language Web (EI indexed). Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2010. p186-193
2. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Web-Based Technical Term Translation Pairs Mining for Patent Document Translation (EI indexed). Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2010. p536-543
3. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Web Assistance Based Chinese-English Organization Name Translation (EI indexed). Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2010. p1483-1494
1. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Translate Chinese Organization Names Using Examples and Web (EI indexed). Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2009. p83-89.
2. Feiliang Ren, Muhua Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Jingbo Zhu. Chinese-Organization Name Translation Based on Correlative Expansion. Proceedings of the 2009 Named Entities Workshop, ACL-IJCNLP2009. pp143-151.
1. Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, An Effective Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Coreference Resolution, International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL). 2008. Vol.21, No.2. pp135-149.
2. Feiliang Ren,Jingbo Zhu. An Effective Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Coreference Resolution. The Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on the 3rd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. 2008.pp24-30.
1. Feiliang Ren,Tianshun Yao. EBMT Based on Finite State Automata Transfer Generation. The Eleventh Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI2007). 2007. pp65-74.
2. 任飞亮. 东北大学SSMT2007系统描述. 第三届中国统计机器翻译研讨会(SSMT2007). 2007. pp149-152.
3. Feiliang Ren,Tianshun Ren. Make Word Sense Disambiguation in EBMT Practical (ISTP indexed). The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. 2006. pp414-417.
4. Feiliang Ren,Tianshun Yao. Remove Redundancy Samples for SVM in A Chinese Word Segmenation Task [J]. Journal of Communication and Computer (USA). 2006. Vol.3,No.5. pp103-107.
5. Feiliang Ren,Shaoming Liu. Building Translation Memory System by N-gram (ISTP indexed). The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. 2006. PP452-458.
6. Feiliang Ren,Lei Shi,Tianshun Yao. A Dynamic Weighted Method with Support Vector Machines for Chinese Word Segmentation (ISTP&EI). Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2005. pp366-370.
7. Feiliang Ren,Xueqiang Lv,Honglin Wu,Tianshun Yao. Searching the Best Translation Template Using Paradigm Similarity and Semantic Disatance. 2003. The 20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL2003). pp301-308.
8. 张祝玉,任飞亮,朱靖波. 基于条件随机场的中文命名实体识别特征比较研究. 第四届全国信息检索与内容安全学术会议NCIRCS2008.2008. pp111-117.
9. 吕学强,任飞亮,姚天顺. 句子相似模型和最相似句子查找算法[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版).2003,24(6). pp531-534.
10. 吕学强,李清隐,任飞亮,姚天顺. 基于统计的汉英法律文献亚句子级对齐[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2003,24(1).
11. 吴宏林,吕学强,任飞亮,姚天顺. 基于语料库的最小求交词对齐[J]. 小型微型计算机系统. 2004.
12. 张海雷,曹菲菲,陈文亮,任飞亮,王会珍,朱靖波. 基于多层次特征集成的中文实体指代识别. 第九届全国计算语学学术会议. 2007. pp485-490.
13. 肖桐,陈如山,李天宁,任飞亮,张祝玉,朱靖波,王会珍. 第四届全国机器翻译研讨会(CWMT08)东北大学自然语言处理实验室技术报告. 2008. pp53-58.
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